Roblox Aprophobia Passage - how to go through levels 0
The RobLox platform rarely offers players a truly terrifying experience, which explains why Aperophobia has become extremely popular from the moment of its release. As in another favorite fans of Roblox, The Mimic, Apeirophobia, it requires the players to investigate alarming levels, perform various tasks and ultimately get to the exit, evading exclusively frightening monsters. If you are brave enough to go through this experience and are looking for a step-by-step guide, you are lucky! Continue to read below to find out everything that is known about how to survive during Apherophobia.
- How to go through all levels in Aperophobia
- fourth level
- fifth level
- seventh level
- End
- *How to decipher the bone code
- zero level
- First level
- Second level
- the third level
- six level
- level eight
- ninth level
- Level 10
How to go through all levels in Aperophobia
zero level
Fortunately, the first level of Aperophobia is quite simple. After viewing the short video, you will be thrown into the utility rooms and left with others to find access to the next level. To do this, examine the utility rooms and follow the black arrows drawn on the walls. Following these shooters will lead you to the ventilation hole that you will need to use to escape.
In addition, be sure to follow the two entities at this level, Revun and Siren , as they eat each other and work together to kill your team. Since the siren cannot cause damage, instead she works like a revolutionary core, warning him about your presence with a scream and clouding your vision. When this happens, run! Revun is extremely fast and will not calm down until you find yourself far beyond the boundaries of the field of view of both entities.
Having taken out through the ventilation hole and entering the next area, turn on the flashlight and go forward until you reach the room laid out with the tile-this is the beginning of the first level.
First level
Before escaping from the first level, you need to find and turn six valves scattered along a terrible, similar to the labyrinth card. These valves can be in puddles with water, on the walls and even near the ceiling, so be sure to check the top and bottom. Exploring these valves, follow the sea star -this essence is completely silent, but moves rather slowly, so that you can quite easily escape from it.
After finding and turning all six valves, the door in the rear of the labyrinth should be unlocked, and the button on the side of it should become green. Go through this door, jump into the water after it, swim to the bottom, swim forward, and then swim up to reach the surface. Now you must be in a dimly lit, laid with tiles of the corridor. Run to the end of this corridor and jump into a dark and seemingly bottomless hole to get into the next area.
Second level
Now you must be in the backstage room again. However, instead of exploring utility rooms, as you did at the zero level, climb the stairs in front of you and follow the long corridor until it drops sharply, and you will not see a wall full of signs. Fortunately, there are no entities at this level, so you do not need to worry about the attack yet. Spray from the edge of this corridor to enter the next area.
the third level
The third level zone should resemble an abandoned office with numerous documents for documents, locking cabinets and long ominous corridors. To leave this area and move on to the next, you will need to find and collect three keys inside the cabinets for documents and use them to open the office gates. Unfortunately, these keys are randomly placed in each round, so we cannot give you an exact location.
The main tips that we can offer: a) only in case of extreme need and b) sit as much as possible. The essence of this level, hound , is completely blind, but reacts even to the slightest sounds. Every time you open the box, run, take the key or open the lock, the essence will resort. If he approaches you, immediately step aside and sit down to avoid an attack. If you work with teammates, a whistle can be a useful way to distract the hound while others move or are looking.
As soon as you find all three keys and open the gate, a loud zummer will sound, and the essence will become more aggressive. To leave the second part of the third level, you will need to explore various rooms associated with the main zone and look for red buttons. Finding and pressing all the nine buttons, return to the place where you started, and find the wall with the inscription here? -There should be a fire door on this wall, which you can now enter. Go through this door, climb the stairs and then enter the next door. Then go down the fire ladder to the lowest floor and go through the exit.
fourth level
Similarly, the second level, the fourth level makes net to have the essence in this. To escape from this terrible and desert pool, follow the long corridor, which is located right in front of you, ignoring the first staircase that you see and continue moving until you reach the second. Climb this staircase and continue to go forward-in the end you must find a place where the floor turns from tiles into glass. Follow this glass floor forward until you reach the tile again. At the end of the corridor laid out with tiles, there should be a luminous white and shiny doorway through which you can pass.
fifth level
From the point of view of the opportunity to get lost, the fifth level is likely to be the most difficult for passing. Having passed through the buggy doorway, you will be teleported to a dark and dull cave system. Since this area is so gray and dark, it is very difficult to see where you are going, and it is easy to turn around-make sure your flashlight or camera are ready.
To get out of this area, we recommend that we adhere to the extreme right wall as long as possible and follow along the trail of yellow lanterns. Unfortunately, in fact, we cannot give you any other tips, everything comes down to your ability to pass almost a black maze. The way out of this area is a large purple portal.
The essence in this area, Skin Walker , is an imitating essence that first looks gray, but transforms and accepts the personality of any player who kills. When this creature has no skin, it will most likely attack. However, after he takes the skin and turns into another player, he becomes obedient in the hope of deceiving other players to follow him. Be sure to inform your teammates about their whereabouts at any time!
six level
Although the sixth level scares, it is not so difficult to escape. Having passed through the purple portal at the fifth level, you will be teleported to a long, crowded corridor full of threatening red light and roaring anxiety. Behind you in this corridor Titan Smayler , an exceptionally quick entity that never slows down and stops until it kills all the players in its path. To escape from this level, you need to run around the winding corridors as soon as possible, avoiding various obstacles, jumping, scolding, running and crawling. At the end of this, it would seem, an endless corridor is a way out.
seventh level
Despite the fact that the seventh level is free from entities and all the lights burn on it, it is still considered the most difficult level for passing. To escape from the seventh level, players need to perform the following steps.
- Find all colorful playing bones scattered over the main part of the library.
- Get access to the computer in the main zone and decipher its code*
- Enter the code based on your conclusions
- Take a new code that the computer gives you, and use it to open the door only for staff.
- Solve the labyrinth and get to the ventilation hole
- Rise through ventilation until you get to the next room.
- Find and open a book in this room
- Twist the page until you reach the list of numerical codes.
- Check each of these codes, entering them to the keyboard connected to the next door only for staff.
- When the correct code is entered, the door will open and find a new ventilation through which you can climb.
- Manure through this hole until you get to the next room.
- Spray into this room and go to the computer.
- Type d in the computer's text field and click confirm
- The computer should start loading and at the end open a small ventilation hole, which can be used to exit the room along with the main exit.
- Leave the room and go to the output wall.
*How to decipher the bone code
Although this may seem confusing, the code of the game in the bone is not difficult to decide when you understand how it works. Firstly, find and record or remember the total number of cubes in the library and the amount of each color. For example, we found:
- One gray
- One yellow
- One green
- One blue
- Two purple
By saving this information, go to the computer and read its screen. Details about the computer below the computer.
red * = 1
Green = 2
blue = 3
gray * = 4
yellow = 5
purple = 6
* Orange = 7
The key is a reminder that the codes should be written on AB order, C A How many cubes you have found and b as a number that corresponds to the color of the bone, and then in the order of increasing. Following this reminder and key, our one gray cube will become 14 in the code- 1 for how many cubes of this color we found and 4 for the number that corresponds to its color. If we continued to decipher our code, all our numbers would be 14 (one gray cube), 15 (one yellow cube), 12 (one green cube), 13 13 (one blue cube) and 26 (two purple cubes). Then, if we arrange these numbers in the order of increasing, our final code will be 1213141526 .
After the correct entry of the cube code into the computer in the lower right corner of the computer, another four-digit code will appear, which can be used to open the door only for staff. That's all! Continue to perform the steps listed below to reach the eighth level.
level eight
On the contrary, the essence of the third level, the essence of the eighth level, skin kidnapper is completely deaf, which means that he cannot hear running, walking, whistle, etc. However, instead of hearing, the speed of movement of this creature increases, and vision worsens.very strongly increased, which allows him to detect players from the entire card and quickly charged. Even if you manage to hide in the locker before you are attacked, the essence will open the door and kill you if you are seen.
The best way to survive in this essence and get out of the eighth-level labyrinth is to run when it is possible, but then break the cabinets as soon as your character’s heartbeat begins to increase. You will understand that they are close to the end of the labyrinth when you see green and red lights on the ceiling. To go to the next level, get into the ventilation hole located at the end of the labyrinth and emerge to the surface.
ninth level
As soon as you find yourself at a good level, jump out of the pool and look for a group of multi-colored water slides. Fortunately, there is no essence in this area, so you can explore it as much as you need. Go to the beginning of the slides when you find that they are teleported to the next area.
Level 10
That's all-the last level! To escape from level 10, players will need to avoid two Titan Smiles , the same essence from the sixth level, looking for one or more keys. If you play alone, only one key will be available, if you play with others, several keys will be available to you. As at the sixth level, the smiling titans at this level are very fast and do not cease to pursue you as soon as they notice you-hiding in the locker after you are noticed, will not save you. Separation with teammates is usually risky, but it may not be the worst idea in this situation, since the smiling titans usually capture one player at a time, giving other players the time to search for the key.
As soon as you find the key, run to any corner and use it to open the output door. After that, you will fall into a short cat-scene that teases the second part that will come out soon!
If you have successfully followed this leadership, congratulations-you defeated Apherophobia and fled from the utility rooms! At least at the moment. As this experience is updated, we will update this leadership or create new manuals, respectively.
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