Starfield: Gameplay teaser is a disappointment, but is still worthwhile
Proud eight seconds is the new piece gameplay to Bethesdas Sci-Fi Roleplay Starfield Lang. But the short clip is worthwhile because of the entire video to which it is embedded. In this is the role-playing elements of Starfield and the return to old strengths of Bethesda.
Starfield should build on old role players of Bethesda
"Into the Starfield" is a video series in which Bethesda grants deeper insights into the new Sci-Fi roleplay. In the second episode, everything revolves around character creation, NPCs and the interaction of the players and players with the game world. A small clip with Ingame graphics can also be found in the video, about at least 3:34.
In addition to the a little disappointing gameplay snippet, however, there is a lot of information about Starfield in the video. Game Director Todd Howard talks about the core aspects of the role-playing game with some leading developers.
- Realistic NPCs by absorbing real people with multiple cameras
- In dialogues, there will be a minisplay by that your NPCs can persuade things, similar to the Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
- In the character creation, the selection of properties (Traits) should play a big role
* The game world should react dynamically to random events like a comet
* There are at least four fractions ** and with everyone can be interacted
* Here there should be many possibilities. For example, it should be possible to engage as a "good" character at the space pirates as a kind of hidden investigator.
Everything about Starfield: Release date, new trailers and information about the SCI-FI-RPG (Update)
Marina Hänsel
In conversation, Todd Howard Starfield names the return to _ "older hardcore RPGs" _. Whether the game is at the end of the imagination and the pathos of this video series, remains to be seen. Todd Howard has already endeavored in the past, in the category "there was then not as announced" Peter Molyneux leaving the rank.
Starfield is scheduled to appear on November 11, 2022 and only on the Xbox Series X | S and the PC.
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