Advent Calendar Advent Calendar: Frequent questions and evidence of daily draw
An Advent calendar is a unique calendar made use of to count the days of Advent in expectancy of Christmas. Considering that the date of the First Sunday of Advent differs, falling between November 27 and December 3 inclusive, many Advent calendars, particularly those that are recyclable, typically start on December 1, although those that are generated for a details' year usually consist of the last few days of November that are part of the liturgical period. The Advent calendar was first made use of by German Lutherans in the 19th as well as 20th centuries.
The Advent Calendar Advent Calendar 2021 starts today and daily opens a door with great prices. Since some questions have always appeared in the past, we would like to answer them directly in advance.
Where can I see the gates and winners?
Simply click on advent calendar or here and scroll down a bit.
Where are the winners announced?
All winners will be announced with an update in the original door message. The winners of the respective door can be retrieved by clicking advent calendar or here in navigation. Each gate that has a winner is marked with gate winner drawn in the heading.
If I won how, and where will I notify?
All winners will be informed about an Advent Calendar private message from @muddatui about their profit. Please note the exact details that are in the private message to redeem the profit. Make sure that your @muddatui adds here to Advent Calendar to your friends list or your friend inquiring answers to contact you with a private message.
If I won, can I win again?
Yes! As long as the requirements have been fulfilled, the lot decides daily.
When will the prices be sent?
Digital profits we try to transmit the winners as soon as possible. The physical prices are sent weekly. The prices from 20 to 24 December are given at the earliest from 29.12.2021 in the post office.
What do I have to do at all to win?
Daily with five comments on five different news to say your opinion on the subject.
If you have any further questions, then you like to be in the comments. We will collect these and, if necessary, this message with an update, if questions occur more frequently. But we hope that the Advent Calendar Advent calendar was so simple and understandable as possible from us. If not, let us know what seems too complicated, and we will repair it next year.
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